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아기예수 오신날의 참뜻

by 설렘심목 2010. 3. 4.
아기예수 오신날의 참뜻
온누리에 평화를 기원합니다.

메리 크리스마~스!!

Ave Verum Corpus K.618 -W.A.Mozart (1756-1791)

Photographer Michael Ging 흑백사진- 삶의 질곡

This woman is a navajo named Ba Che
who lived on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona.
At the time she was 99 yrs old and blind due to Diabetes.
Here she is feeling the warmth comming in the door of her Hogan.
She lived to be 103 before she died ,several years ago.

 First saw this woman at St. Peters square in Rome during the day.
There were people who would come up to her and kneel with her to pray
and then they would give her some money.
I did not think this was to time, or place to photgraph her so I went on.
The woman was very small (about 3 ft tall) and had clubbed feet.
I never saw her face. As I was going to dinner as the sun was setting
I was walking down this street as she was walking up.
The light was beautiful giving texture to the cobble stone street.
I took 4 photos as she passed me.
I then gave a shop keeper who was watching me photgraph her 5 euros,
 which he gave to her. I felt with the beautiful light that God wanted me to take this photo.
I do not mean this in a religous sense ,sometimes
when I am taking a photo everything goes perfect and you get this great feeling
that you did things right.It was like because I did not take the photo in the square.
I was given another chance,with better light.

This woman and her grandson were in a village in the mountains on Luzon in the Philippines.
The village was in a remote area and the people grew rice in terraces.
I went back to this village 3 times over a 2 yr. time frame.
When I returned I brought prints.
These people had never seen a photo of themselves.
The first time I photgraphed in the village ,large groups of kids would come around us.
After shooting a roll of film ,as I reloaded I would give a child the plastic film can.
It was not untill I developed the film a week or so later that I realized
that I had these photos of a wonderful,proud ,primitive people,
some of which were holding Kodak film cans in their hands.
The second trip we gave out iodized salt(they had goiters) and wooden stick matches.

Photo was taken at Fountains Abby in the UK.

The woman and her child were in their
 kitchen in the lowlands of the philippines.

My Sister Mary in a alley in Cortona Italy

This woman was selling item on the street in Hanoi

This woman was counting her money behind
her hat on a street in Hanoi

This dog was standing on his dog house.
Or he was a very tall dog.

This boy was watching me from his home in the
French quarter of New Orleans.

This you boy was looking out his parents
doorway in a village in the philippines.

This man was holding his son in the philippines.

Mother Teresa when she visited phoenix in
1989 ,she was blessing this child.

The boy was eating Peanuts in the Philippines.

This man in a village in the mountains of the
philippines was weaving a small hat like the one he is wearing.

This man was a carpenter who worked at a
living history museum near phoenix.

This Girl and her brother were in a
 village in the mountains in the philippines.

I boy runs down a street in Cortona Italy at dusk.