Des Abends kann ich nicht schlafen geh'n 잠 못드는 저녁
At evening, I cannot sleep
At evening, I cannot sleep,
To my love must I go,
To my love I must go,
And I must stand at her door,
Quite secretly!
"Who's there, then? Who is knocking,
Who can awaken me so gently?"
It is your love,
Get up, my treasure, and let me in,
Quite secretly!
If all the stars were good scribes,
And all the clouds were made of paper,
And they were to write to my love,
They could not summarize my love in one letter,
Quite secretly!
Ah, had I feathers like a rooster,
And could swim as does a swan,
Then I would swimm across the Rhine
To see my heart's beloved,
Quite secretly!
독일 Regensburg의 a cappella vocal ensemble, Singer Pur
(composed of one soprano, two tenors, baritone and bass)
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